Named after a Chinese hacker, "nostalgic" are a pseudo force “ternoiz” (terror noise or “fear nausea”) mixed-media (audio, video, artwork, digital, reading rooms, etc.) quartet formed in 2003 online. They began as the project "wtftv" ("A collection of misbehaving sights and sounds with no recognition.") & four tracks directly from "wtftv" appear on the first album, "Nostalgic Presents" (or "old gifts"). Nostalgic's discography ranges from sound-collage, remixes and covers of songs, & "dictionaraoke" to found sounds, ambient, high concept, & experimental. The group consists of unknown artists & writers from around the world. There are four current members that go by the pseudonyms "Bobbi Kennedy", "VAGIABASS 9000", "King of Zam", & "Elvis 04" (keyboards, artwork, engineer, & synthesizer - respectively). Their first two albums are littered with copyrighted material, with their third "0ut 0f 5ight" being the first to use only "open-source-audio" ("открыто источник тональнозвуково" - the group's motto). On their website they claim a list of items that they are 1. "not real", 2. "uncopyrightable.", & 3. "for educational purposes only.".